WhenhiringJAGElectricsyoucanbe assured that you’re being served byfullyqualified,highlyexperiencedand insuredelectricalcontractrors.They areexperiencedinalltypesof electricalwork,andcommittedto providingthebestsolutionforyour particular need.
All Work Guaranteed
Courteous Service
Reliable, On Time
Free Quotes
JAGwilldeterminethe workrequiredandprovide a FREE quotation
Theserviceprovidedby JAGisaprofessionaland courteous one
Theworkcarriedoutby JAG is fully guaranteed
JAGcanberelieduponto attendtoyourneedsina timely way
JAG Electrics was established by Graeme Miller.The JAG Electrics team of qualified professionals has been servicing clients in Melbourne’s Inner and Eastern suburbs since 1987. Over that time JAG has established a reputation for outstanding service, reliabilty & value.Whether you are an Industrial, Commercial or Domestic client, JAG is able to quickly and competently respond to your electrical service, repair and contracting needs.JAG hope to be of service to you and welcome your enquiry at any time.